Tips and Snips

Vimwiki cannot be all things to all users so here are some tips and code

snippets you may find useful for customizing Vimwiki to your liking.

Cheat Sheet

There are several cheat sheets for Vimwiki:

Custom folding

Vimwiki has simple folding folding methods built in but lets you easily

customize folds with the g:vimwiki_folding option. For example, if you prefer

that the last blank line before a heading not get folded, add this to your

.vimrc file:

let g:vimwiki_folding = 'custom'

Then add the following to the ftplugin/vimwiki.vim plugin in your .vim

configuration folder (create this file if it doesn't already exist):

let l:vimwiki_fold_blank_lines = 0  " set to 1 to fold blank lines
let l:vimwiki_header_type = '#'     " set to '=' for wiki syntax
setlocal foldlevel=1
setlocal foldenable
setlocal foldmethod=expr
setlocal foldexpr=Fold(v:lnum)

 function! Fold(lnum)
   let fold_level = strlen(matchstr(getline(a:lnum), '^' . l:vimwiki_header_type . '\+'))
   if (fold_level)
     return '>' . fold_level  " start a fold level
   if getline(a:lnum) =~? '\v^\s*$'
     if (strlen(matchstr(getline(a:lnum + 1), '^' . l:vimwiki_header_type . '\+')) > 0 && !g:vimwiki_fold_blank_lines)
       return '-1' " don't fold last blank line before header
   return '=' " return previous fold level

Task Management

Vimwiki makes it effortless to add tasks to any wiki page. Unfortunately,

this means that your tasks get dispersed rather widely, especially if

you're tracking action items from meeting notes in your diary. The snippets

below make it easier to manage tasks in vimwiki without adding any additional

plugins or relying on external task management tools.

Find Incomplete Tasks

The following will open a QuickFix window with incomplete tasks, but only those

which are in a hyphenated (-) list. This is a simple way to filter only on

tasks which are ready to be performed.

function! VimwikiFindIncompleteTasks()
  lvimgrep /- \[ \]/ %:p

function! VimwikiFindAllIncompleteTasks()
  VimwikiSearch /- \[ \]/

nmap <Leader>wa :call VimwikiFindAllIncompleteTasks()<CR>
nmap <Leader>wx :call VimwikiFindIncompleteTasks()<CR>

Encrypting Vimwiki pages

If you want to encrypt singe pages of your wiki you can use vim gnupg in

conjunction with vimwiki. Add the following to your vimrc:

let g:GPGFilePattern = '*.\(gpg\|asc\|pgp\)\(.wiki\)\='

Then you can create a link to a page in the following form: [[link.asc]], the

resulting file "" will be transparently encrypted by vim-gnupg.

vim-gnupg will ask you to choose a key and gpg-agent will ask you to unlock the

chosen key.

Note: If you use a different file-extension for your wikipages make sure to

change the code above accordingly.

Cite entries from bibtex library

Vimwiki has no support built in yet, but see this issue for workarounds.



How to change the folder of the wiki?

You have to configure your wiki(s) in your vimrc, then you can configure among

other the folder.

let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path': '~/mywiki/',
                      \ 'path_html': '~/mywiki_html'}]

Can I start Vimwiki directly from shell?


$ vim -c VimwikiIndex

Opening the file of a wikipage also does the trick, that way you can open it

with another than your main page. Example:

$ alias importantpage='vim vimwiki/'
$ importantpage

Useful shell function for git integration and launch

If you init your vimwiki directory as a git repo, and add the following function

to your .bashrc or .zshrc, you can interact with the repo using the command

vimwiki git [commands] from any directory:

vimwiki () {
    if [[ $# == 0 ]]
        nvim +'VimwikiIndex'
    elif [[ $1 == 'git' ]]
        git -C ~/vimwiki/ ${@:2}
        echo 'Usage: vimwiki [git] [args ...]'

For Fish, add the following function to your

function vimwiki 
    if test (count $argv) -eq 0
        vim +"VimwikiIndex"
    else if test $argv[1] = "git"
        git -C ~/vimwiki/ $argv[2..-1]
        echo "Usage: vimwiki [git] [args ...]"

In addition, calling vimwiki without a git subcommand will automatically open

the index.


How do I use markdown syntax for my wikis?

You have to configure your wiki(s) in your vimrc, then you can configure syntax

and file extension. To set them to markdown and .md add the following

configuration to you vimrc:

let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path': '~/vimwiki/',
                      \ 'syntax': 'markdown', 'ext': '.md'}]

Vimwiki considers every markdown-file as a wiki file

Vimwiki has a feature called "Temporary Wikis", that will treat every file with

configured file-extension as a wiki. To disable this feature add this to your vimrc:

let g:vimwiki_global_ext = 0

Alternative you can set vimwiki to use markdown syntax but a different

file-extension, like the default .wiki.

Got Other Great Ideas You'd Like to Share?

If you have other snippets you find useful, please share them here on the wiki.